What kind of information can i get from Trustcheckr’s phone search service?
Trustcheckr's phone search service provides a range of information about phone numbers, including whether the number is valid, the original carrier and circle, whether any risk has been found associated with it, and more. Please note that the information available may vary depending on the phone number and service plan.
What is the difference between free phone search and the paid phone search?
Our free phone search provides basic information about phone numbers, such as whether they are valid and the original carrier. Our paid phone search provides more comprehensive information, including the name associated with the phone number, payment apps available, connected email addresses, social profiles, and more.
Is the information provided by Trustcheckr accurate?
We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but please note that the information provided may not always be complete or current. We do our best to ensure the accuracy of our data, but we cannot guarantee it. We are also not responsible for any decisions made based on the information provided.
How is the name match percentage calculated?
The name match percentage is based on the similarity between the name associated with the phone number and the name you enter as a search term. The percentage represents how closely the two names match based on our algorithm.
How does Trustcheckr protect my privacy?
Trustcheckr takes the privacy and security of our users very seriously. We use encryption and other security measures to protect your data, and we do not share your personal information with third parties unless required by law. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
Does Trustcheckr spy on or share the identity of individuals?
No, Trustcheckr does not spy on individuals or share their identities with third parties. We only provide information that is publicly available and do not engage in any form of surveillance or data gathering that violates individual privacy rights.
Can Trustcheckr provide the live location of a phone number or track a person?
No, Trustcheckr does not provide live location information or track individuals. We only provide information that is publicly available about a phone number and its associated records. We take privacy and security very seriously and do not engage in any form of tracking or surveillance.
Is it legal to use Trustcheckr’s phone search service?
Yes, it is legal to use Trustcheckr's phone search service for personal and non-commercial purposes. However, it is important to respect individual privacy rights and to use the information obtained from our service in a responsible manner. We do not endorse or condone any unlawful or unethical use of our service.
Does Trustcheckr comply with privacy laws and regulations?
Yes, it is legal to use Trustcheckr's phone search service for personal and non-commercial purposes. However, it is important to respect individual privacy rights and to use the information obtained from our service in a responsible manner. We do not endorse or condone any unlawful or unethical use of our service.
How does Trustcheckr protect my personal information?
We take the privacy and security of our users very seriously, and have implemented strict data protection measures to ensure the confidentiality of our users' information. We use encryption and other security technologies to protect your data, and we do not share your personal information with third parties unless required by law. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.
Can I use Trustcheckr’s phone search service for commercial purposes?
No, our phone search service is intended for personal and non-commercial use only. Any commercial use of our service is strictly prohibited.
What payment methods does Trustcheckr accept?
We accept all major credit/debit cards, UPI, netbanking for our paid phone search service. We do not store or retain any payment information on our servers.
Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied with Trustcheckr’s phone search service?
Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for our paid phone search service. Once a search has been performed, the fee is non-refundable. However, we do offer one free credit to our users to test our phone search service before making a purchase. This credit allows you to perform one search on our platform and see the information we provide. Please note that this offer is limited to one free credit per user and is only available for first-time users. To claim your free credit, simply create an account on our website and the credit will be automatically added to your account. We encourage you to use this opportunity to experience our service and decide if it meets your needs. If you have any questions or concerns about our service or the free credit offer, please contact our customer support team at support@trustcheckr.com.
How can I contact Trustcheckr’s customer support?
You can reach our customer support team by sending an email to support@trustcheckr.com. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.




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